God is so good!

9:50 AM / Posted by Meghann McLeskey /

to breathe and to feel invincible.

i'm on top of the world at the summit created by God.
i've never been on a mountain before.
i imagine it will be a tough climb.
but i imagine it will be so worth it.
where else can i experience this?
this feeling that i am beautiful,
and i have faith enough to move what i'm standing on,
and i am truly a child of the Greatest,
and i am me?
and God made me exactly this way.

who was it that told the stars to shine for me?
who bled himself dry for the likes of me?
who am i to forget something like that?
but i do forget.

remind me.
while i climb this mountain, show me where you brought me from.
and where i could have been.
i have done nothing to deserve You. 
i'm not worthy of the love.
why You love me, i will never ever understand.
remind me that i'm human and You died so i could mess up sometimes.
You kissed ever freckle on my face and said "it is good."
You put the sky into my eyes and said "it is good."
You decided it was okay for me to be born without toenails and said "it is good."
You created the best dad on the planet...modeled him in Your image...
and You gave him to me.
You created the most beautiful, inspiring mom...
and You gave her to me.
how dare i ask for anything when You've given me so much?
...how dare i not ask for anything when Your precious son spilled His entire being so i could ask?

i can't understand the beauty,
the power,
the majesty,
the kingdom,
the glory,
the wonder,
the splendor,
the literal awesomeness that is awaiting me.

watch over the trek. keep us safe. and bring us to You.


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